So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel.

1 Corinthians 9:14

There are only a handful of people you connect with in life who have such a profound impact on your family that it’s hard to put into words. I was reflecting on this as I rode home from church one day with both my parents and grandparents in the car. It just hit me suddenly that there were three generations represented that had been touched by Pastor Hank.

A Family Transformed

It started over 50 years ago when Pastor Hank led my grandfather to Jesus Christ. He was a first-generation Christian whom Pastor Hank took under his wing and helped to mature in his faith in the Lord. He helped my grandpa through hard times including the death of his mom. There were many difficulties during that period and Pastor Hank was always there. Later, he married my grandma and grandpa and baptized every one of their kids. Over many years his teaching and encouragement helped my grandpa to raise a godly family.

When my dad was younger, he was impacted by Pastor Hank too. He often shares how on occasion he would show up at his baseball games when he was a kid just to say hello. He recalls how Pastor Hank frequently encouraged his faith and challenged him to take a strong stand, especially when many of his peers were going astray. Pastor Hank was gentle yet strong and truly lived out his faith. He counseled Mom and Dad before their marriage. I still hear them reflect on his words of wisdom now and then.

A Personal Connection

I was born prematurely and spent eight weeks in the hospital. Mom and Dad said Pastor Hank stopped by several times a week to pray, check up on me, and encourage the family. I don’t remember this of course but it still meant a lot to me. When I was two years old Pastor Hank was there when Mom and Dad dedicated me to the Lord. Later, his health began to fail and that is when I remember seeing a little less of him. But he still found time to encourage and challenge me in my own walk with the Lord as I grew older.

After church one day, I wanted to thank Pastor Hank for everything he had done for my family and me. He had impacted us deeply over the years. Thinking about his 50 years of ministry, I felt compelled to ask how he had managed to serve for so long. He said, “God has allowed me to minister here for 50 years because of faithful people like your grandparents, parents, and the many others in this church.” I didn’t understand what he meant by that, so I asked for clarification. He said, “Without the faithful ongoing prayer and generosity of the members of this church, I could have never been here this long.” His answer caught me off guard.

A Challenge to Give

Expecting him to share some leadership tips that could be applied to my own life, I was surprised to leave that conversation feeling challenged instead. Struggling to make ends meet, with a car payment, insurance, and other expenses, giving to the church wasn’t even on my radar. Yet, it felt as though God was once again speaking directly through Pastor Hank into my life. It was at that point I realized that it was the support of my grandparents and parents that allowed Pastor Hank to make a difference in my life and many others. It was shortly after this conversation that I made the decision to start praying and giving to the church as well so that the work of Pastor Hank and the other pastors could continue for years to come.

1 Timothy 5:18 says, “You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing,” and “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”

Are you faithfully supporting your local church and those who minister to you? This is the starting point when it comes to giving.