Ignite Your Generosity

A 21-Day Experience in Stewardship

by Chris McDaniel
Foreword by Dan Busby

We know it’s important to be generous. But it can be hard to know what healthy stewardship looks like in our families and churches. What if God has deeper and richer lessons to teach us about what it means to live generously?


About Chris McDaniel

Chris McDaniel (MBA, Liberty University) is vice president of sales for vTECH io, a Dell channel partner that provides end-to-end IT and cybersecurity solutions. Prior to this role Chris served as the chief business development officer for DELTA Ministries International, where he lived out his passion to see followers of Christ become generous givers. He is the author of Ignite Your Generosity, The Stewardship Bookmark, Dying to Give, and The Next Mile: A Coach’s Guide.

Book Chris for your personalized “Preparing to Engage Major Donors Workshop”

“Chris’ passion, experience, and content reflect the pastoral and shepherding heart every development officer should have. His presentation challenged me to personally set an example and live generously.  I was reminded that every conversation is a discipleship opportunity. His insights and process will help any organization approach development with obedience and reflect the heart of God. This was one of the best sessions I attended all week.”

Steve Richardson, US Director and President, Pioneers USA


Growth as a Giver



Matthew 6:1-4 - “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. So when you give to the poor, do...

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Giving is a Spiritual Discipline

Giving is a Spiritual Discipline

“Stewardship is God’s way of raising people, not man’s way of raising money” (Willmer, Smith. 2002.)1 In Romans 12:8 we learn that some excel in the gift of giving. But what about everyone...

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Sarah’s Vase

Sarah’s Vase

Sarah's parents were new to town, and she was just getting to know her classmates at church. As a second grader, she was full of energy and beaming with naughtiness. As Sarah's Sunday...

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Equipping Development Professionals

How Stewardship Impacts your Soul

How Stewardship Impacts your Soul

A key resource you should consider walking through with individuals is Stuff and Soul by Dr. Wesley Willmer.  Here is a highlight of this book, and if you want a free copy, click...

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Igniting Steward Leaders in Your Local Church

Igniting Steward Leaders in Your Local Church

Many churches treat stewardship as a periodic campaign or a topic for an occasional sermon series, but true stewardship goes beyond isolated activities. To truly foster a culture of stewardship, church leaders must embed this principle into the daily life and practice of their congregations.

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Biblical Principles for Stewardship and Fundraising

Biblical Principles for Stewardship and Fundraising

Christian leaders, including development staff, who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and choose prayerfully to pursue eternal Kingdom values, will seek to identify the sacred Kingdom resources of God’s economy within these parameters.

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Donating Retirement Assets

Donating Retirement Assets

Explore how aligning your retirement assets with God’s strategy can multiply their impact, following biblical principles like those in the Parable of the Talents.

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Missionary Support Raising

“Stewardship is not humanity’s way of raising money, but rather God’s way of raising people into the likeness of His Son.”


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