This might sound like a strange question at first, but let me explain. Two places in Scripture cause me to ask this question:
“And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?”
Luke 16:11 (read full context)
“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”
Matthew 25:29 (read full context)
The passage in Luke references a dishonest steward who acted shrewdly to win friends. Stunningly, the owner commended him. Jesus then shares how the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than His followers. We are left with a challenge to use our worldly wealth to win friends so that we will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
The Scripture in Matthew comes at the tail end of the very well-known Parable of Talents. The point here is that those who were faithful with the little that was entrusted to them were rewarded with more responsibility when the time came to settle accounts with their Master. The one who was not, even the little he had was taken from him and he was not entrusted with more.
Can you see the link coming together here? Jesus is telling us that there is a direct link between how we steward our time, talent, and treasure on earth to our level of responsibility in Heaven.
Take some time and look at how you are currently using the time, talent, and treasure God has entrusted to you. Please don’t just quickly think about this today and pass this off. It’s too important of an issue and the stakes are WAY too high. If you do this, I know you will never regret it. Take a few minutes. Calculate what percentage of your time, talent, and treasure you are giving back to God. Now, imagine today is the day the Lord calls you home. It’s time to give an account.
So, let’s return to the initial question.
If you died today, would you be satisfied with what the Lord would entrust to you for eternity as a result of how you are currently managing what He has entrusted to you?