Let’s face it…we are against some great odds. As a parent, I hear often about the culture my children are right in the middle of and how it affects their view of “stuff”. From iPads to smartphones to brand-name clothes…the battle is on. Maybe you’ve heard this phrase, “Mom, Dad, everyone has a ______.” Can you relate? So how do we as followers of Christ raise our children to capture a different view? That is…a biblical view of their stuff.
I stumbled onto a testimony of a young teenager named Drew Melby from the Detroit area. A Generous Giving Conference in Atlanta invited him to speak about the wisdom he gained from his generous family. He shares three key things that his parents did that helped him gain a godly view of money and possessions:
Model Giving to Your Children
“Talks on why giving is important are fine, he says, but do not forget to take every opportunity to teach generosity in everyday life”, says Drew. Families often avoid openly discussing or freely modeling the subject of giving. Just like Drew, I want to encourage you in this area. Here are three simple ideas:
- Share openly with your children about why you give and what your giving is accomplishing. As they mature, share how much you give so they can gain this wisdom but also see your personal sacrifice.
- Take opportunities to relate the cost of something they really want to the cost of helping those in need. Don’t use it as a guilt trip…simple share the knowledge and allow them to make choices.
- Create a mini-foundation for your kids. My wife and I have a special envelope that we put an initial deposit of “grant” money into for each child. We shared the concept of a foundation briefly with them, then took time to process with them about what Christian causes were important to them. We make a point to sit down with them to make giving decisions from their foundation. Allow them to replenish grant funds from a portion of their allowance over and above their giving to the church.
Associate yourself and your family with other people who model godly generosity
All of us make conscious decisions about our friends and those we associate with. As parents, we are particularly careful in this area. Have you ever stopped to think of people or families who are generous and been intentional in building those relationships? We can all think of people in our lives that model generosity and personal sacrifice through their lifestyle and are a blessing to many. Oftentimes it is the words and modeling of others that reinforce our values as parents and have the most influence on our children.
Let children see the fruits of giving
Drew shares, “Take them to charities, ministries or on mission trips to see the receiving end of their giving; introduce them to the joy of seeing their generosity at work, and they will be hooked on good biblical stewardship for a lifetime.” I couldn’t agree more! When your children see REAL faces and lives that are impacted through giving it has such a tremendous impact. The will experience a joy that far exceeds anything this world can offer and begin to realize over time that money is a tool to be used to advanced God’s Kingdom work on earth.
I encourage families to serve together on mission teams or with local ministries. You will have the opportunity to personally model generosity, serve with others who are generous and see first-hand what your investment is accomplishing.
For recommended resources to teach giving and biblical principles of money to children and teens visit Generous Giving.